Kingwood Farmers Market is held every Thursday afternoon in the picturesque Town Center Park located behind the shops on the South West corner of Kingwood Drive and West Lake Houston.
There is a mix of traditional Farmers Market vendors providing grass fed beef and chicken, fresh produce, local honey, yard raised eggs, homemade salsa, pickles and jellies, Indian food and baked goods.
In addition, craft vendors sell organic makeup, soaps and personal care items, CBD products, candles, and craft items.
There are also several home bakers who bring their goods to the market including high quality, breads, cakes and pies.

Vendor booth spaces are 10' x 10' and are available at a fee of $30 per weekday market ($40 for the weekend market). There is no long term commitment required.
Our set up is one hour ahead of the market opening and regular attendants will receive permanent booth locations.
Prepared foods are acceptable if they are cooked in a certified kitchen or if they comply with the State Cottage Food Laws.